

Explore some of the most frequently asked questions related to UNC pursuing an HSI 指定. 

  • 什么是西班牙裔服务机构?

    西班牙裔服务机构,也被称为 HSIs,在联邦法律中被定义为认可和 学位-授予 public or private 机构s 与 a full-tim电子报名 拉美裔, Latino, or 用拉丁文写的学生 equivalent to 25% of the undergraduate student population. 

    当一个机构 receives HSI 指定, it becomes eligible for additional federal 竞争奖助金形式之基金. 这些拨款资助的项目直接针对 expanding educational opportunities for and improving the attainment of 用拉丁文写的学生. 

  • 什么是新兴的恒生指数?

    一个新兴的恒生指数是defined作为 an 机构  a 全职undergraduat电子报名 15-24%的西班牙裔和拉丁裔学生 

  • 有多少hsi?

    根据2019-20年的数据 卓越教育, there are 569 上学 in 30 different 州 (including Washington D.C. 和波 Rico). 科罗拉多州有12个hsi.  

      • There has been a 94% increase in 上学 over the past 10 years — 293 in 2010, compared 到2020年达到569个. 
  • 被指定为恒生指数的好处是什么?

    恒生指数的指定允许 UNC to apply for federal grant funding to assist in strengthening 机构al programs, facilities, and services to expand the educational resources and opportunities for 用拉丁文写的学生其他少数群体 总的来说 大学社区.

  • 为什么皇冠app官方版下载现在正在寻求HSI的指定?

    The demographics of college-age students continue to change, 与 greater diversity 和代表性, especially among 拉美裔, Latino, or 用拉丁文写的学生. 

    • Trending back to the 2016-17 school year, just under one-third (30% – 31%) of Colorado's high 学校的毕业生都是西班牙裔/拉丁裔. (CDE - 研究生s and Completers by School, Gender and Race/Ethnicity (XLS))
    • In a recent report, 60% of the Greeley-Evans School District students identify as 拉美裔.
    • 2020年秋天,23人.4% of UNC's undergraduate population identify as latine/拉美裔, 其中大多数是科罗拉多州的居民  

    Degree attainment for 拉美裔/用拉丁文写的学生 is lower compared to White, non-Latino 全国各地,科罗拉多州和皇冠app官方版下载的学生. 作为一个机构致力于 being a Students First 大学 focused on student success, we 必须 increase our retention and 度达到 rates among all students, particularly for students 有公平差距. 

    • On a national level, 46%的白人,非拉丁裔成年人拥有大学学位, compared 只有24%的西班牙裔/拉丁裔成年人.
    • 在科罗拉多州, 64%的白人,非拉丁裔成年人拥有大学学位 或证书,与2相比9%的西班牙/拉丁裔成年人.
    • UNC's four-year graduation rate for the 2016-2020 cohort was 42% for White, non-Latino students,与2相比7% for 拉美裔/用拉丁文写的学生.
    • UNC's fall 2019 retention rate among first-time, full-time first-year students was 73% for White, non-Latino students, compared to 64% for 拉美裔/用拉丁文写的学生. 

     The diversity 与in our 大学 and state is a distinct advantage 那 we celebrate 和培养. Our efforts to become an HSI align 与 our five key vision elements in our strategic plan, "Rowing, Not Drifting 2030," to Empower Inclusivity, and it's one of the first key actions 那 will ensure we are better prepared to serve current 新兴学生. 

  • 对于皇冠app官方版下载的学生来说,HSI意味着什么?

    研究 shows 那 enhanced engagement leads to a student's 感觉 of belonging and contributes to improved academic success and higher retention and graduation rates. By working to secure this 指定, UNC will establish structures and practices 那 enhance and expand the opportunities for 用拉丁文写的学生 那 also enrich the 大学里每个人的经历.  

    In helping more of our students complete and earn a UNC 学位, including an increased 我们拉丁裔学生的百分比,UNC can continue our long tradition of preparing and graduating leaders who serve and enrich Colorado's culture 和经济. And we know 那 doing so will positively change their lives and the 我们国家的未来. 

    • Thousands of former UNC students are employed in Larimer and Weld Counties. 结果是 of their UNC education, the students receive higher earnings and increase the productivity 雇佣他们的企业. 
    • 在2017-18财年,皇冠app官方版下载校友的收入为185美元.为该地区增加了500万美元的收入 经济,相当于支持3,454个工作岗位. 
  • How will UNC achieve the 指定 beyond the enrollment benchmark?

    整个校园 必须 集体工作和 协作. The 大学 应该期待看到一个n e既减少  是包容的 and a 气候 代表一个 感觉 of 归属感,尊重和 价值; 课程 and 教育学  是文化 响应, 大学整体政策 和实践 学生集中.

  • hsi有经济影响吗?

    上学 构成了重要的 经济繁荣的贡献者 国家的'美国经济流动的引擎. 例如,排名前十的学院和大学 ranked by the Social Mobility Index (SMI), nine were 上学. 

  • UNC什么时候会成为恒生指数?

    UNC开始 第一阶段:探索 2020年秋天. During 那 time, a series of campus conversations were held 教职员工,学生 and alumni, to learn more about our strengths and suggested areas of improvement. 后 those discussions, follow-up meetings were held, and the Board of Trustees approved the 大学's five-year plan to become an HSI by 2025. 

    联合国军司令部目前在 第二阶段:发现其成为恒生指数成份股的五年计划. 在这个阶段,我们的特别工作组正在工作 on drafting goals and pre-implementation strategies using data collected in the first 勘探阶段. We are also introducing HSI to our 大学社区 through coordinated communications and facilitated presentations and workshops. 我们将滚动 out a campus-wide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion readiness exercise and inventory 在早春. 

  • Why should we focus on just the 拉美裔/latine-identifying population?

    2000年的一项研究 研究员 丽莎Wolf-Wendel , "differences in race, ethnicity, social class, and other experiences influence what students need from their campuses and how campuses should respond." 贝科us我们在成功的道路上有如此令人鄙视的差距 的学生, 我们应该 创建策略 创建 更健壮的 结果. 皇冠app官方版下载,人口 作为一个整体 至关重要的,但是…… 最大 gap for 访问, 度达到 and 留存率是我们的拉丁人口.

  • What about other (non-latine) underrepresented minority students? 当一个机构 seeks or obtains an HSI 指定, how does it affect them?

    上学 enroll not only the majority of latine undergraduates in this country but also significant numbers of other historically marginalized groups: 22% of all African American students enrolled in postsecondary 机构s in 2017-18 attended 上学, along 与 40% of all Asian American, 29% of all Native Hawaiian/Pacific 岛民和20%的印第安学生.


"I come from a family 那 came here to work to be better... So, 那 idea of, 'You're not done yet when you get out of high school, you've got to 追求,你要有梦想,你要有成就.“联合国军司令部为我提供了一个巨大的托盘 让我在其中找到自我..."

- 阿曼德 Silva '10,视觉艺术家